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For Round Dancing
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Cued Round Dance Albums

Each contains three classic round dances clearly prompted by Buddy Weaver. An excellent resource for when you don't have a round dance cuer, or as a learning tool for the professional.

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Round Dance Album #1
Includes Baby O'Mine, Spaghetti Rag and Tips Of My Fingers,
A B C Add To Cart ($7.00)
Round Dance Album #2
Includes Die Lorelei, Street Fair and Summer Sounds
A B C Add To Cart ($7.00)
Round Dance Album #3
Includes Desert Song, King Of The Road and Sam's Song
A B C Add To Cart ($7.00)
Round Dance Album #4
Includes Lucky, My Song and Roses For Elizabeth
A B C Add To Cart ($7.00)

Listing of Hi Hat Round Dance Current Releases

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RDHH 1013 Busted (Line Dance) M V Cuesheet $7.00 Add To Cart
RDHH 1012 Desert Song M V $7.00 Add To Cart
RDHH 1011 Street Fair M V $7.00 Add To Cart
RDHH 1010 Lucky M V $7.00 Add To Cart
RDHH 1009 My Song M V $7.00 Add To Cart
RDHH 1008 Roses For Elizabeth M V $7.00 Add To Cart
RDHH 1007 Baby O'Mine M V $7.00 Add To Cart
RDHH 1006 Spaghetti Rag M V $7.00 Add To Cart
RDHH 1005 Summer Sounds M V $7.00 Add To Cart
RDHH 1004 Die Lorelei M V $7.00 Add To Cart
RDHH 1003 King Of The Road M V $7.00 Add To Cart
RDHH 1002 Sam's Song M V $7.00 Add To Cart
RDHH 1001 Tips Of My Fingers M V $7.00 Add To Cart
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This page address is: buddyweavermusic.com/rounds.php
Last modified/updated on: Wednesday 2021-11-17 11:27:33 PST
§ (other pages on this website will have different dates) §

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